Shipping Information

International Shipping is offered here, but I highly recommend checking out my Etsy shop if you are outside of the United States! Postage will usually be cheaper, and this main website does not always accept international payments, so you will probably save time and frustration by purchasing through the Etsy account instead.

Shipping Costs will vary by location and your choice of items, as well as the quantity of items you’ve purchased. I work hard to keep packaging size and weight down, but naturally, there is only so much that can be done. If I ever notice that you have been overcharged by UPS or USPS for shipping, you will receive a partial refund for any amount that was charged over the actual rate.

Shipping Times will also vary by location and your choice of items, but for US customers, there is a high chance your items will be delivered to you within 7-10 days after you place your order. Of course this number of days is much larger for international customers due to the complicated customs process that packages must go through.

Multiple Packages may arrive for a single order, depending on the items that you’ve purchased. Because I am one person running this shop out of a small apartment, I have outsourced printing and embroidery on some items, which will be finished and shipped out from a separate location than where I’m at. I do my best to organize it so that all of your items arrive on the same date, but this isn’t always possible, and you may receive one days before or after the other. Still, it is my goal to get your goodies to you as soon as I can, and I am more than happy to answer questions through my email ( OR Instagram DM’s (@shopitlikethenasdaq). Emails are more likely to get a quick response because I would sadly pass away if I had instagram notifications on.